Buy Seeded Banana Fruit Box Online

Buy Seeded Banana Fruit Box, also known as Apple Bananas, are a tasty and distinct fruit that stands out from regular bananas. They are a popular choice for desserts in many regions around the world, including Central and South America, as well as Southeast Asia. Their delicious flavor sets them apart and makes them a beloved fruit.Buy Seeded Banana Fruit Box Canada

Seeded bananas produce 5–7 hands or bunches per stalk, each holding 12–18 bananas. Each of the fruits has four angular edges and a pointed end. The quantity of seasonal rain affects the size of the fruits, which can be anywhere from 20 to 30 centimeters in length. Off the plant, the thick skins continue to ripen from green to yellow. Flesh is solid, aromatic, and sweet; seeds are small and spherical yet hard.Buy Seeded Banana Fruit Box Canada

Seeded Banana Fruit Review

Bananas with seeds are readily accessible all year long in Indonesia. Often known as Wild bananas or Stone bananas, they belong to the species Musa balbisiana or Musa brachycarpa in the plant kingdom. Both this and another wild species, Musa acuminata, are the ancestors of all contemporary bananas and plantains.

Seeded bananas are most commonly seen in Indonesia, where they are known as Pisang Batu or Klutuk. When crunched between teeth, Klutuk seeds make a distinctive “klu-tuk” sound, hence the name.

Some Health Benefits of Banana Fruit

Bananas with the seeds still intact have a lot of carbs, potassium, and fiber. You can have your vitamin A and B needs met by eating them. The tannins and saponins in young fruits are abundant. Seeded bananas have been used as a traditional remedy for stomachaches and other digestive issues by indigenous Javanese for ages. Bananas with their seeds removed can be stored for up to two weeks at room temperature.

How to Consume Fresh Bananas

Seeded bananas are not as popular as seedless bananas because of the abundance of seeds. Sweet rujak, a Javanese delicacy that has spread throughout Indonesia, is made from young bananas that have been peeled and deseeded. The fruit salad is topped with a sweet and spicy sauce made from crushed peanuts, young seeded banana meat, chiles, tamarind, fish sauce, and sugar, and features local cucumber, mango, carambola, apple, or pear.

Bananas that have been seeded are finely sliced so that the seeds can be readily picked out. Mature bananas are used for baking and in beverages or smoothies after being peeled and the meat separated from the seeds.

Where to Get Seeded Bananas Near Me?

When it comes to the global banana crop, wild bananas play a crucial role. Bananas used in current commercial farming are always of the seedless, uniform kind known as cavendish, and can only be propagated by root cuttings. There is always the chance that a pest or disease would spread to all mother plants and kill them.

The genetic diversity and natural resistance to disease and pests that have evolved in wild bananas over thousands of years are invaluable to scientists. Bananas can have more genetic diversity thanks to hybridization efforts between wild and seedless kinds.

History of Banana Fruit

Native to Southeast Asia, seeded bananas can be found in Java, eastern Indonesia, and the Philippines. The current cavendish and other seedless types are descended from wild bananas like the seeded banana.

The wild banana species is primarily used for decoration in tropical and subtropical areas outside of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. They first arrived in Hawaii from the Philippines in the late 19th century. Bananas with seeds can be found for sale in East Java and Kalimantan.


What are the health benefits of seeded bananas? Seeded bananas are rich in carbs, potassium, fiber, vitamin A, and B vitamins. They support digestive health, provide energy, and offer essential nutrients.

How do I know when seeded bananas are ripe? Ripe seeded bananas have a yellow skin and a firm, aromatic flesh. They should be slightly soft to the touch.

How can I use seeded bananas in cooking? Seeded bananas can be eaten fresh, used in fruit salads, baked into desserts, or blended into smoothies. They are also popular in sweet rujak, a traditional Javanese delicacy.

Can I order seeded bananas in Canada? Yes, you can order Seeded Banana Fruit Boxes online in Canada, and they will be delivered fresh to your doorstep.

What is the history of seeded bananas? Seeded bananas are native to Southeast Asia and have been cultivated for centuries. They are the ancestors of modern seedless bananas and play a crucial role in global banana cultivation.

Are seeded banana seeds edible? Seeded banana seeds are small and hard, and while they can be eaten, they are typically removed before consuming the fruit.

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Small Selection Box(4 Pounds), Medium Selection Box(8 Pounds), Large Selection Box(16 Pounds), Enormous Selection Box(35 Pounds)


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