Buy Green Spanish Plum Fruit Box in Canada

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Green Spanish Plum Fruit Box with fresh tropical plums
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Buy Green Spanish Plum Fruit Box in Canada

The Green Spanish Plum Fruit Box features small, round to oval fruits measuring between 2 and 5 centimeters in diameter. The skin transitions from green to yellow to red as it ripens, presenting a semi-smooth, taut, thin, and lustrous appearance. The pulp beneath the skin is semi-dry and gritty when young, characterized by a hard, yellow, acidic, and sour taste. As the fruit matures, the flesh becomes tender, juicy, and naturally sweet. Each plum contains a large white seed that is inedible, bitter, and fibrous, closely attached to the flesh. Unripe or “green” Spanish plums are known for their brittle texture and astringent, musky, and tart flavor, reminiscent of green apples.

Why Choose Green Spanish Plum?

The Spanish Plum, also known as Ciruela Cubana, has garnered a dedicated following, particularly for its unique taste and versatility. Green Spanish plums are typically in season from summer until fall, although in tropical regions, fruiting can occur throughout the year.

Spanish Plum Fruit For Sale Spondias purpurea, the scientific name for green Spanish plums, is a small fruit that grows on deciduous trees belonging to the Anacardiaceae, or cashew family. These tropical fruits are native to Central and South America and are found growing wild or in private gardens rather than being commercially cultivated on a large scale.

Multiple Names, One Delicious Fruit

The green Spanish plum is known by various names such as Ciruela, Jocote, Makok, Hog’s Plum, Siniguelas, and Mombin. First exported from Spain in the 16th century, Spanish plums come in many varieties, all starting green and ripening to yellow and red. Green Spanish plums are particularly prized for their sour taste and are a popular addition to drinks and foods.

Health Benefits of Green Spanish Plums

Green Spanish plums are rich in antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and promote collagen production in the skin. These fruits also provide fiber, certain B vitamins, calcium, iron, and phosphorus, supporting digestive health. In Central America, the fruits are consumed as a diuretic or boiled in water for topical application on wounds and sores.

Unique Flavor Profile

The flesh of the Spanish plum is golden, with a sweet-tart taste that combines hints of mango and pineapple, ending with a satisfying tartness. This unique flavor makes the fruit highly desirable and versatile in culinary applications.

Culinary Uses of Green Spanish Plums

Green Spanish plums have a sharp taste and often require sugar or another sweetener to be palatable. In Mexico, these fruits are a popular snack, commonly seasoned with salt, vinegar, lime juice, or chili powder. They can also be enjoyed raw, made into a sour green sauce to accompany roasted meats, blended into a refreshing juice with sugar, or preserved for later use. Green Spanish plums pair well with brown sugar, cinnamon, chili peppers, salt, vinegar, tomatoes, spinach, meats like pork, chicken, and fish, as well as garlic, onions, and cilantro. Unwashed, they can stay fresh in the refrigerator crisper for up to five days when packed in a plastic bag.

Availability of Spanish Plums in Canada

Green Spanish plums are widely available and frequently used in various cuisines, including Filipino cuisine, where they are known as Siniguelas. Introduced by Spanish explorers, these fruits have become naturalized across many regions, growing abundantly in backyards and forests. The trees thrive in tropical, humid climates, shedding their leaves before the fruits ripen, creating a striking sight of green berries on bare branches.

Historical Significance of Spanish Plums

Native to the tropical regions between southern Mexico and northern Brazil, green Spanish plums have been cherished for centuries. Introduced to the Philippines, the Caribbean, and Africa in the 16th century by Spanish explorers, these fruits have since spread globally. Brought to the United States from Colombia in the early 20th century, they are now cultivated on a small scale in southern Florida and available through farmers’ markets and specialty grocery stores in Central America, South America, Mexico, the United States, the Caribbean, Africa, Southeast Asia, and India.


Where can I buy Green Spanish Plum Fruit Box in Canada? You can purchase fresh Green Spanish Plum Fruit Boxes online from tropical fruit retailers specializing in Canadian deliveries.

What are the health benefits of Green Spanish plums? Green Spanish plums are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals, promoting immune health, skin collagen production, and digestive health.

How do I store Green Spanish plums? Unwashed Green Spanish plums can be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator crisper for up to five days to maintain freshness.

Can I eat Green Spanish plums raw? Yes, Green Spanish plums can be eaten raw, though they are often enjoyed with salt, vinegar, or chili powder to balance their sharp taste.

Are Green Spanish plums available year-round? While typically in season from summer to fall, Green Spanish plums may fruit throughout the year in tropical climates.

What is the best way to enjoy Green Spanish plums? Green Spanish plums can be enjoyed raw, as a snack with seasonings, in sauces, juices, or preserved for later use.


Green Spanish plums offer a delightful combination of sweet and tart flavors, versatile culinary uses, and numerous health benefits. Whether enjoyed fresh, in sauces, or as a tangy snack, these tropical fruits bring a unique taste to the table. Embrace the rich history and diverse applications of Green Spanish plums by adding them to your diet today.

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1 Pound, 5 Pounds Box, Medium Box(10 Pounds), Large Box(20 Pounds), Enormous Box(35 Pounds)

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