Order Mamey Sapote Exotic Fruit Box Canada

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Mamey Sapote Exotic Fruit Box available in Canada
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Mamey Sapote Exotic Fruit Box Canada

The mamey sapote is a sizable fruit, measuring between 8 and 25 centimeters in length and 6 and 10 centimeters in diameter. It can be round, oval, or rectangular with tapering or pointy ends. The skin has a sandpaper-like texture, thick and semi-rough, ranging from light to dark brown. Beneath the skin, the flesh is incredibly creamy and dense, with a silky texture and a mild squashy aroma, coming in shades of orange, crimson, or salmon.Fresh Mamey Sapote Canada

The mamey sapote is a medium to large fruit with thick, semi-rough skin varying in color from light to dark brown. Under the skin, the flesh is soft, creamy, and dense with a fine, smooth consistency. The flesh ranges in color from orange to red to salmon. At the center of the flesh, there is one elliptical seed with a glossy, black-brown hue. Avoid consuming the seed as it is not edible.Fresh Mamey Sapote Canada

Mamey Fruit Review

Mamey sapote is available from spring to fall. Known botanically as Pouteria sapota, it is a pre-Hispanic fruit from the Sapotaceae family. There are at least 13 different varieties, such as “Red Mamey,” “Zapote Colorado,” and “Mammee.” However, only one or two varieties are usually sold under the mamey name. Another fruit, Mammea americana, also called “Mamey,” is genetically distinct.

Mamey sapote is cultivated from slow-growing trees that can reach up to 45 meters tall. The fruits can take more than two years to mature once the trees start fruiting.Fresh Mamey Sapote Canada

Nutritional Benefits of Mamey Exotic Fruit

Mamey sapote is rich in vitamin C and fiber, which help prevent inflammation and free radical damage while stimulating the digestive system. It also contains essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, magnesium, copper, iron, phosphorus, riboflavin, and potassium, which help regulate the body’s fluid levels.

How to Enjoy Mamey Sapote Fruit

Mamey sapote is versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways. It shines as a garnish for fresh dishes and a sweetener in beverages and baked goods. You can simply cut it like an avocado and eat it with your hands, leaving the skin and seeds behind. It can also be added to salads, paletas (frozen fruit bars), ice cream, and smoothies.

In Mexico, mamey sapote is commonly used in cold milkshakes called batidos or licuados, which typically include fruit, milk, ice, nutmeg, and vanilla. Frozen mamey sapote can be stored for extended use.Fresh Mamey Sapote Canada

Where to Buy Mamey Sapote in Canada

Raw mamey sapote seeds are poisonous due to their cyanide content. However, in Mexico, the seeds are processed to remove the toxins and used in traditional cuisine. After boiling, the seeds are sliced thinly, strung into necklaces, and smoked and dried in the sun. Order your Mamey Sapote Exotic Fruit Box today!

History of Mamey Sapote

Mamey sapote has been growing wild in Mexico and Central America for thousands of years. It is one of the few fruits that date back to the pre-Hispanic era and is still widely consumed today. Ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations used it as a culinary and medicinal element.

Mamey sapote trees have spread across South America and the Caribbean, with numerous cultivars developed over time. While it is grown on a smaller scale in places like Australia, Florida, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, frozen fruit pulp is commonly found in ethnic food stores and Hispanic supermarkets worldwide.