Tropical Pink Guavas Fruit Box | Buy Fresh Pink Guavas in Canada

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Fresh Tropical Pink Guavas, sweet and aromatic guavas, available in Canada
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Tropical Pink Guavas Fruit Box Canada

You are missing out on a major treat if you have never tasted Pink Guava. We enjoy it best simply peeled and sliced, much like an apple, but it also goes well with yogurt or in a fruit salad. Upon opening the package, the aroma will take your breath away, and as you may be aware, aroma plays a significant role in flavor.Buy Tropical Pink Guavas Box Canada

Medium-sized evergreen trees approximately 10 meters tall produce pink guavas. The average diameter of the round to slightly ovate melons is between 6 and 10 centimeters. They have a green, silky exterior that ripens to a golden yellow with brown spots. The fragrance of pink guavas is fragrant and musky, with hints of papaya, passion fruit, melon, and ripe pear. They have a moderate acidity and are exceptionally delicious; in fact, they are the sweetest of all guava varieties.Buy Tropical Pink Guavas Box Canada

Pink Guava Review

In the late spring and summer, pink guavas can be found. Pink guavas are a tropical variety of Psidium guajava with red flesh. Guavas are typically categorized based on the color of their flesh, either pink or white. Pink guavas are the most fragrant and can range in color from faint pink to orange-magenta. Their color is the result of a naturally occurring organic pigment known as carotenoid, the same compound that gives carrots and tomatoes their distinctive red hue.Buy Tropical Pink Guavas Box Canada

Nutritional Benefits of Pink Guava Fruits

Providing three times the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, guavas are an outstanding source of vitamin C. They also contain potassium and pectin, which help reduce blood cholesterol levels.

They have a higher moisture content than the white varieties and can therefore be reduced to a purée or puree with relative ease. Combine with soy sauce, lemon juice, and allspice to make a sauce for pork and poultry. Pink guava puree can alternatively be used to create ice cream, jams, jellies, juices, spritzers, and cocktails. Other complementary flavors include citrus, banana, ginger, honey, coconut, and curry.

History of Pink Guava Exotic Fruit Basket

Pink guavas belong to the Myrtle family, which also includes well-known spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove. It is believed that guavas were domesticated in Peru approximately 4,000 years ago. Archaeologists have discovered sites where guava seeds were stored alongside those of beans, maize, and other cultivated plants.

Today, the Pink guava grows in the tropical and subtropical regions of the United States, including Hawaii, Florida, and Southern California. They are also widespread in Asia, South America, and southern Africa.

What’s in the Tropical Pink Guavas Fruit Box?

The box contains 4 large Pink Guavas. All this is great, but the reality is that these guavas are delicious, pretty huge, fresh, and especially hard to find at the moment. Get them while you can.

How to Consume Pink Guava

Pink guavas are most commonly enjoyed raw. Simply peel and slice them for a refreshing snack, or add them to yogurt, salads, or smoothies. The flesh can also be juiced or pureed for various beverages and culinary uses.

To extend its shelf life, store pink guavas in the refrigerator for up to a week. Fresh, cut pieces can also be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for about 5 days.