Buy Cacao Fruit Tropical Box for Sale in Canada

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Fresh cacao pods in a box, showcasing their vibrant colors and unique textures
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Buy Cacao Fruit Tropical Box for Sale

Buy Cacao Fruit Tropical Box for Sale can range from 10 to 35 centimeters in length, and they often have an oblong shape with a tapering look and rounded or pointy ends. Cacao comes in a wide variety of flavors and aromas, and its husk is often thick and covered with noticeable ridges, folds, and warts. The rind can be any shade from bright red to deep orange or even purple, and it has a leathery, almost woody texture when cut open. The 20–60 elongated seeds hidden beneath the husk are surrounded by a luscious pulp.Buy Cacao Fruit Tropical Box Canada

The center dark brown seed is connected to a white pulp that has a soft, slippery, watery, and mucilaginous texture. The seeds are chewier and denser than usual. When the time is right, the seeds will begin to separate from the husk, and you can check for this by tapping or shaking the pod. It is also possible to gently scrape the pods. If the pod is still green when scratched, it is not ready to be picked. The seeds can be eaten, although they have a bitter, earthy taste that is off-putting in their raw state.

Cacao Fruit For Sale

Theobroma cacao is the botanical name for the brightly colored pods that enclose the delicious flesh and seeds of the cacao tree, an evergreen tree in the Malvaceae family. The tropical trees originate in South America, grow to a median height of 12 meters, and have a lifespan of over 200 years. Cacao pods develop on the tree trunk and are typically produced in the first 30 years of the tree’s life. Because of natural cross-pollination, cacao pods have evolved into more than eleven distinct types. Criollo, Nacional, Forastero, and Trinitaro are the names most scientists use to categorize the species. The weather, soil, geography, and cultivation procedure all play a role in the final flavor and appearance of a certain cacao cultivar.

Cacao has been used for a variety of purposes for thousands of years, and its history is rich with myths, politics, the supernatural, and even some violence. Even the species’ Latin name, Theobroma, means “food of the gods.” Cacao pods, which are used to produce chocolate, are now planted all over the world for their seeds and flesh.

Health Benefits of Cacao Exotic Fruit

The fiber in cacao seeds and the meat of the cacao plant help maintain a healthy digestive system, while the magnesium and potassium they provide ensure proper nerve and fluid function. In addition to providing antioxidants, B vitamins, and tannins, cacao also contains vitamin E, which protects the skin by fending off free radical damage, iron, which helps the body create the protein hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body, and vitamin D, which aids in the absorption of calcium. Cacao, when processed, yields a substance known as cocoa butter, a component widely found in lotions and cosmetics to nourish the skin due to its high fatty acid content and presence of vitamins and minerals.Buy Cacao Fruit Tropical Box Canada

How to Use Cocoa Fruit

The edible parts of the cacao pod are the seeds and the meat that surrounds them. The seeds and flesh can be chewed together while raw, however the seeds have a strong bitter or astringent flavor. Most people only eat the sweet, white pulp and throw away the seed. If the raw seeds are mashed with other, sweeter ingredients, they can be consumed as a smoothie. Cacao Fruit Tropical Box for Sale are typically prepared by grinding up the seeds and then eating the flesh.

The pods are customarily opened and the seeds, still coated in flesh, are dropped into a sealed receptacle. Fermentation lasts anywhere from 2 days to 8 days, after which the seeds are dried in the sun. The flavor of dried cacao seeds can be changed by roasting them for anything from 5 minutes to 40 minutes. Cacao nibs are the little, edible particles that remain after the stiff husks of the roasted seeds have been winnowed away. Cacao nibs are a delicious addition to granola, yogurt, chia seed pudding, porridge, ice cream, and other sweet treats. Cocoa powder is actually ground up cacao nibs.

History of Cacao Tropical Fruit

Experts agree that cacao trees originated in the Amazon jungle of South America. It is unclear where the trees first appeared, but they are most common within 15 to 20 degrees of the equator, a region frequently referred to as the “cocoa belt.” The cacao tree prefers the shade of other trees in the lowlands of tropical climates. Toltec, Mayan, Aztec, and Olmec Civilizations all grew and used the pods once they were brought there from Central America.

Cacao was considered a divine gift and was strictly reserved for sacred rituals. The small amount of cacao residue discovered on pottery from 1400 BCE is one of the earliest records of cacao being fermented into a drink. Cacao pods were originally discovered by Spanish conquistadors led by Hernando Cortes in the 16th century CE in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.

Buy Cacao Pods Fruit Basket

Cacao Fruit, also called cacao pods, is not what you’d expect. It’s much better! Did you know that the literal translation for cacao’s scientific name means “Food of the Gods”? The Olmecs, an ancient civilization from what is now Mexico, were the first to use cacao fruit over 3,500 years ago. They obviously didn’t know what they had because if they did, we’d all be speaking Olmec right now… Instead, just the airport in Brussels, Belgium sells over 800 tons of chocolate every year but, we digress.

Cacao Fruit and Chocolate

Cacao Pods are these American football shape-inspired fruits and coincidentally are where Chocolate comes from. Yes, the name is a little confusing and we get a lot of people asking for cocoa fruit, cocoa, cacao… does it even matter, at the end it all comes from the cacao bean that lives inside the fruit.

The taste couldn’t be any more different than the delicacy we’ve been groomed to gift to our loved ones. The white flesh has a pretty delicious zingy sweet flavor; it’s hard to describe its tart, fruity, citrusy flavor with mango and pineapple notes. The seeds are the ones used to actually make Chocolate and when you bite into them, you can taste what unprocessed pure chocolate is like.

The regular box contains 8 pounds of cacao fruits and the large box has 16 pounds of this Food of the Gods. Don’t wait, order your box of cacao fruit today!


What are the health benefits of cacao fruits? Cacao fruits are rich in fiber, magnesium, potassium, antioxidants, B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, and vitamin D. They support immune health, improve skin health, aid in digestion, and promote proper nerve and fluid function.

How do I know when cacao fruits are ripe? Ripe cacao fruits have a vibrant color ranging from bright red to deep orange or purple and give off a fragrant, tropical perfume. The seeds inside should be easy to separate from the husk.

How can I use cacao fruits in cooking? Cacao fruits can be eaten fresh, the seeds can be used to make chocolate, and the flesh can be used in smoothies. The seeds can be fermented, dried, and roasted to make cacao nibs, which are great additions to granola, yogurt, chia seed pudding, and desserts.

Can I order cacao fruits in Canada? Yes, you can order Cacao Fruit Tropical Boxes online in Canada, and they will be delivered fresh to your doorstep.Buy Cacao Fruit Tropical Box Canada

Additional Information


Small Selection Box(4 Pounds), Medium Selection Box(8 Pounds), Large Selection Box(16 Pounds), Enormous Selection Box(35 Pounds)


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